“If you choose photography as your medium, then express it like no words can.”
When Yang first left school as a fresh-faced aspiring photographer, these were the words instilled in him by his mentor. Fast forward 13 years, with a little more lines on his still relatively fresh face plus a whole lot more life experiences later, these are the very same words that keep him inspired.
Trained as a Director, Yang’s vision and versatility, coupled with his easy going sense of energy have brought him across the globe across every continent, producing compelling, raw and emotive imagery for some of the biggest clients. His work, be it commissioned or personal is a unique blend of craft and naturalism.
He is currently working on more great images, playing with the stray cats in his neighbourhood, finding the best economic rice in the country and last but not least riding across more mountains on his trusty snowboard.
He can be contacted at the following
email: kevin@yang-photography.com mobile: +65 93873227 instagram: kevinyangphotography